Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chicken Miso Soup

...Or The tale of two soups.

I was in a rush leaving the house this morning.  I hadn't left myself enough time to make lunch before I set off, so I grabbed an emergency packet of soup and went on my merry way.  It wasn't until lunch time that I discovered that the packet that I had selected was "chicken noodle".

This is one of my preferred flavours and on any other day it would have been very welcome.  Not today however.  Today we had planned chicken noodle soup for our evening meal.  As luck, and a fair amount of nous in the kitchen, would have it, the two soups were as different as chalk and cheese.

The soup I had for lunch was a Chinese style chicken and sweetcorn soup and consisted of rehydrated powder and noodles.  The soup that we cooked for tonight's menu was made with fresh ingredients and miso paste.

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